Veni, Vidi, Vici

When I landed at Leonarda da Vinci Airport I was in immediate need of two things: A cappucino and a cornetto.

See, somehow my travel partner and I had convinced our Air Canada stewardesses that by allowing them to relocate our seats on our flight from Toronto to Rome we , naturally, deserved copious amounts of wine and down comforters for our troubles. Eight hours later? Well, I was a little groggy and ready for caffeine.

I believe it was Pico Lyer who said “We travel, initially, to lose ourselves, and we travel, next, to find ourselves.”

To me, traveling is more than a philosophy; it is the key to transforming our lives from ordinary to sublime. It is an art. Luckily, I was quick to discover that Rome was the perfect canvas.

So, without further ado, here are 5 tips to help you make the most of your time in Rome.


Get lost. Pure and simple.

There is no way that you are going to see absolutely everything in this magnificent city. It would take a lifetime to taste, see, hear, experience and absorb everything that Rome has to offer. So, start in a piazza (I’d suggest Piazza Navona or Piazza della Rotunda) and explore from there.

Caffe da Claudia
Caffe da Claudia

TIP: The restaurants in the Piazza della Rotunda provide an unparalleled view of the Pantheon. They may seem touristy (given their location), but they are frequented by locals and provide excellent and tasty options for lunch and dinner. Try Ristorante caffe da Claudia and split a delicious plate of pasta with truffles and pancetta with your travel partner(s). Oh, and of course, “vino della casa, per favore!”


The Last Judgement, Michelangelo

Michelangelo’s Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel, ladies and gentlemen. Quite literally the most breathtaking feat of art that you will ever witness in your life. It took four years to complete, and it is one of two paintings that this artist completed in his entire career.

TIP: Get to Vatican City early in the morning (around 8 am) so you can bypass the groups. However, once in the City, make sure you have a guide or someone knowledgeable walk you through the Vatican Museums. If you to do one touristy thing in Rome, this would be it.

It only costs about 32 euro for a two hour tour of the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Trust me, the time will fly, and you will walk out completely enlightened.


Cacio e Pepe. Literally translated, this means “cheese and pepper” in Italian. The ingredients of this pasta dish are very simple and include only black pepper, pasta and Pecorino Romano cheese. My mouth is watering right now. So many noms.

Cacio y pepe.
Cacio y pepe.


Ok, maybe I said the only touristy thing you do in Rome is to hire a guide for The Vatican. However, if you will allow me to throw one more coin into the fountain of tourism, I’d definitely invest in Fodor’s Italy, 2014 edition. The book was a perfect complement for our wandering adventure through Rome.

If we found ourselves in the middle of a piazza that clearly held historical significance, or were simply in need of a margherita pizza after hiking through the Roman Forum, this book was our crutch. It even has a detachable map that is amazingly easy to navigate.


Italians speak Italian.

Yes, you are a tourist, and yes, most countries are relatively lackadaisical about people who don’t even try to speak the language. But this philosophy isn’t applicable when you are in Rome. So, take a little time, do your homework, and learn how to say some basic phrases. It’ll be fun!

TIP: Try downloading an app on your iPhone such as Learn Italian by MindSnacks. There are countless ways to learn a phrase or two on the go, but I found having the app on my iPhone gave me some flexibility in my schedule for when I could practice a few phrases while on-the-go!

Interested in learning more about Italy? Stay tuned because I have a few posts in the works that document my journey north through the Emiglia Romagna region! In the meantime, check out my gallery from Roma!

Love + Vitalita.