Why vitalità?

vitalità [vi-ta-li-tà]
The state of being strong and active.

When I was a teenager, I embarked on a philanthropic trip to Costa Rica that changed my life.

Not only did it instill within me a complete addiction to travel, but it opened my eyes to the expansive ways in which humans embrace not only their culture but their approach to life itself.

There was a motto that was revered by each and every Costa Rican that I met while on this first trip. “Pura Vida,” or “plenty of life,” was said as a sign of greeting, thanks, departure, well wishing and more.  I quickly realized that there was a religious tone to this motto. It was more than just a phrase; it was a life force that kept the community grounded.

I quickly employed the concept of ‘Pura Vida’ in my daily antics, and even used it as part of my college admissions essay topics. I felt grounded when I reminded myself of this simple yet powerful concept, yet I also knew that, one day, I would need a phrase or word of my own.

Vitalità is the Italian word for “vitality.” I have chosen to name my blog after this beautiful word with the hope that I will not only continue to document the enrichment that writing, photography, art and travel brings to my life over the years, but to also explore the theme of adventure that I think defines my character.

The truth of the matter is that the world has as much to offer to us as we have to offer the world. It is a living, breathing organism with a heart of fire and a spiritual vision. Vitalità Travel is a blog that celebrates the experiences – both big and small – that this planet has to offer. It is a documentation of one, singular traveller. It is also a lens for other like-minded experience-seekers to offer feedback, advice, and a conversation about this beautiful world that we live in.

I try to have vitalità in my day-to-day life, and I anticipate this to be a living, breathing life motto. Have you ever thought about your motto?

Grow your Experiences . Seek your Truth. Enhance your Vitality.

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